Tinsley House Therapies

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Contact Us


We are happy to answer enquiries over the phone or via email. We will endeavour to respond to which form of contact you are most comfortable with. We would advise you initially message us and to then arrange a brief telephone consultation at a time that is convenient. Phone consultations with initial enquiries about therapy are not chargeable.

Where common questions occur we may use these in a FAQ page , with the removal of any third party or identifiable information. Please also read our privacy disclaimer.

Locations for sessions can be held at either of the locations as below (please note all enquires are handled directly via our website, email or phone):

Tinsley House Therapies
at: The Magnolia Therapy Centre
354 Mansfield Road

0115 960 8855

Tinsley House Therapies
at: Wellbeing Clinics
1 Wentworth House
Vernon Gate

01332 224820


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